Saturday, 7 December 2013
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Terima Kasih.. :)
Pada pandangan saya, perkataan terima kasih ni bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang susah diungkapkan.
dengan menyatakan "Terima Kasih" pun sudah memadai untuk membuat orang tersenyum dan rasa dirinya dihargai. Apalah salahnya kalau kita ucapkan perkataan terima kasih itu kepada orang yang telah membuat jasa kepada kita. Yang paling utama mestilah kita rasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan kita untuk merasa kehidupan dan khalifahnya di muka bumi ini.
Kedua, kepada nabi kita kerana telah terpilih untuk menjadi umatnya. cuba bayangkan bagaimana seandainya kita menjadi umat yang sebelumnya yang masih kurang mendapat ajaran agama-NYA.. nauzubillah.. dan yang ketiga mestilah kepada ibu dan bapa kita yang telah bersusah payah menjaga dan melayan karenah kita dari kecil sehinggalah besaq kedabaq sampai sekarang..
Selain daripada itu, kepada guru-guru yang telah mendidik kita. Walaupun guru tu garang yang amat tapi kita kena la berterima kasih kepadanya kerana sudi memberi ilmunya. tetapi sebenarnya guru ni dia garang pn sebab kita ni yang nakal dan degil.. lau dia x garang kowg pn mesti naik tocangkan..kan..kan... haha.
Walaupun orang itu hadir seketika untuk membantu kita, kita mestilah mengucapkan terima kasih kepadanya. seseorang itu akan berasa seperti dihargai walaupun sebenarnya tidak mengharapkan apa-apa jua balasan. Tahukah anda, dengan mengucapkan terima kasih itu sekaligus akan mendorong seseorang itu untuk melakukan lebih kebaikkan separti menolong orang yang lain pula di masa akan datang.
Jadi, mulai sekarang jangan la berat sangat mulut tu untuk mengungkapkan ucapan terima kasih, melainkan orang tu memang x boleh bercakap. yang tu len sket kne guna bahasa isyarat pulak. wslm.
dengan menyatakan "Terima Kasih" pun sudah memadai untuk membuat orang tersenyum dan rasa dirinya dihargai. Apalah salahnya kalau kita ucapkan perkataan terima kasih itu kepada orang yang telah membuat jasa kepada kita. Yang paling utama mestilah kita rasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan kita untuk merasa kehidupan dan khalifahnya di muka bumi ini.
Kedua, kepada nabi kita kerana telah terpilih untuk menjadi umatnya. cuba bayangkan bagaimana seandainya kita menjadi umat yang sebelumnya yang masih kurang mendapat ajaran agama-NYA.. nauzubillah.. dan yang ketiga mestilah kepada ibu dan bapa kita yang telah bersusah payah menjaga dan melayan karenah kita dari kecil sehinggalah besaq kedabaq sampai sekarang..
Selain daripada itu, kepada guru-guru yang telah mendidik kita. Walaupun guru tu garang yang amat tapi kita kena la berterima kasih kepadanya kerana sudi memberi ilmunya. tetapi sebenarnya guru ni dia garang pn sebab kita ni yang nakal dan degil.. lau dia x garang kowg pn mesti naik tocangkan..kan..kan... haha.
Walaupun orang itu hadir seketika untuk membantu kita, kita mestilah mengucapkan terima kasih kepadanya. seseorang itu akan berasa seperti dihargai walaupun sebenarnya tidak mengharapkan apa-apa jua balasan. Tahukah anda, dengan mengucapkan terima kasih itu sekaligus akan mendorong seseorang itu untuk melakukan lebih kebaikkan separti menolong orang yang lain pula di masa akan datang.
Jadi, mulai sekarang jangan la berat sangat mulut tu untuk mengungkapkan ucapan terima kasih, melainkan orang tu memang x boleh bercakap. yang tu len sket kne guna bahasa isyarat pulak. wslm.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
me n my sisters in my car it's call Marimar.
at traffic light.
we are going to my village ipoh, perak.
to celebrate our auntie special day.. ^_^ wink wink..
una, amy n diah.
Friday, 3 May 2013
BiG Apple Donuts..
Assalammualaikum... kali ni una nak cerita sikit pasal Big Apple Donut...
Mesti ada yang masih xtau apa itu Big Apple Donuts??? adakah apple atau donut?
Untuk pengetahuan korang Big Apple Donuts adalah satu nama francais yang besar di Malaysia.
Produk ini memperkenalkan sejenis donut yang mempunyai pelbagai rasa dan warna.
Antaranya ada perida coklat2, kekacang, chese dan perisa buah-buahan..urmm yummyyyy....
Kalau sudah tulis ini pun da terasa nak makan apatah lagi kalau sudah depan matakan kan kan..
Pada sem 4 ni Una ada buat progam jual-jual Donut kat UUM. Tapi sebagai ex-officio je la bukan pengarah projek pun. Kat sini una nak kenalkan sedikit tentang Big Apple Donuts ni.. So, mari tengak sedikit gambar-gambar semasa program itu berlangsung pada 22,23,29 dan 30 Mac 2013..
Mesti ada yang masih xtau apa itu Big Apple Donuts??? adakah apple atau donut?
Untuk pengetahuan korang Big Apple Donuts adalah satu nama francais yang besar di Malaysia.
Produk ini memperkenalkan sejenis donut yang mempunyai pelbagai rasa dan warna.
Antaranya ada perida coklat2, kekacang, chese dan perisa buah-buahan..urmm yummyyyy....
Kalau sudah tulis ini pun da terasa nak makan apatah lagi kalau sudah depan matakan kan kan..
Pada sem 4 ni Una ada buat progam jual-jual Donut kat UUM. Tapi sebagai ex-officio je la bukan pengarah projek pun. Kat sini una nak kenalkan sedikit tentang Big Apple Donuts ni.. So, mari tengak sedikit gambar-gambar semasa program itu berlangsung pada 22,23,29 dan 30 Mac 2013..
Ni poster Big Apple Donuts yang una reka sendiri..
buat pakai photoshop. ambil masa 2 hari jugak la nk siapkan poster ni.
nice tak??
muka pun da macam donut
foreigner pun ada juga yang beli
Time ini, antara jenis-jenis donut yang dijual ialah
- chocoholic
- megabite
- tiracinno
- de la cheese
- say cheese
- wakiki
- carlifornian almond
- wakeup walley
- ice berg
- donuttella
- agent 'o'
- mimi lolo
- the alien
- ono oreo
SteAmbOat with Student B.Ent
Assalammualaikum... yesterday at 2nd Mei 2013 we 9 people students of bachelor of entrepreneurship going to Perlis to eat steamboat.. This is our first time hangout together after 4 sem study in same course.. so, see our photo..
We are together... razi, md noor, ana, eqin, ikin, ika, fad, una n shy. <3
Thursday, 2 May 2013
KeNaLi PerSoNaLitI MeLaLui TuLiSan TaNgaN
Pertama: Tekanan
i. Tekanan yang kuat
Seseorang yang menulis dengan kuat tekanannya sehingga berbekas di bahagian belakang kertas.
(Sihat, cergas, pantas dan sedikit agresif)
ii. Tekanan yang ringan
Seseorang yang menulis dengan lembut dan ringan dan tidak berbekas.
(Kurang bertenaga, kurang sihat dan mudah sakit)
Kedua: Bentuk Tulisan
i. Tulisan yang bulat-bulat
Semua huruf ditulis dengan bulat.
(Emosional, prihatin, pengasih penyayang, kepekaan tinggi dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kanan - otak kreatif)
ii. Tulisan yang tajam-tajam atau leper-leper
Tulisan yang angular dan sharp (tajam)
(Rasional, berkerja dgn sistematik, pandai mengurus dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kiri - otak logikal)
Ketiga: Kecondongan
i. Condong ke kanan
Extrovert: suka bercerita, berkongsi maklumat dgn orang lain, peramah, suka campur orang, mudah memimpin, mudah menunjukkan kasih sayang, berani, pemurah
ii. Condong ke kiri
Introvert: suka menyimpan rahsia, agak pemalu, tak suka berubah, amat setia kepada kekasih, keluarga, organisasi dan negara tetapi tak suka
campur orang
iii. Tegak
Systematik, mudah kawal diri, suka berkawan tetapi tak cari kawan sebaliknya kawan cari dia, tak suka gaduh-gaduh, suka ambil jalan
iv. Campur-campur
Emosi tak tetap macam remaja yang belum cukup umur atau macam orang perempuan datang bulan (maaf)
Keempat: Kerapatan
i. Jarang-jarang
Tak suka campur gaul dengan orang, kurang mesra dan sedikit boros.
ii. Rapat-rapat
Suka campur orang, amat bergantung kepada orang lain, jimat atau kedekut
Kelima: Pada huruf J, G, Y, Z
i. Ada ekor
a) Besar, panjang dan sempurna
Tahap emosi yang dipamer itu jelas, pengasih & penyayang, pemurah, mudah kesian pada orang, mempamerkan tahap kerajinan
b) Kecil, pendek dan tak sempurna
Tak pandai mempamerkan emosi, kurang rajin, tak pandai mempamerkan kasih sayang walaupun sayang itu banyak dalam diri
Keenam: Pada palang huruf kecil T (t)
i. Tinggi
Tahap aspirasi tinggi
ii. Rendah
Mudah berpuas hati, cita-cita rendah
iii. Tengah-tengah
Usaha dan tahap pencapaian itu di tahap sederhana
Tulisan dapat mencerminkan peribadi. Kita boleh menukar tulisan kita untuk mengubah peribadi dan Personaliti kita dengan sengaja supaya kita cemerlang dalam hidup.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Oh My EnGLiSh..

10 Cara Nak Belajar Bahasa
Inggeris Dengan Mudah
1.Update Status Guna Bahasa
Masa update status kat facebook,
guna la bahasa inggeris sikit-sikit..bukan nak berlagak tapi cara ni membantu
korang untuk mengarang ayat dalam bahasa inggeris secara spontan.
2. Cakap Depan Cermin
Duduk depan cermin dalam bilik
cakap la bahasa inggeris sorang-sorang..bukan beerti korang meroyan atau buang
tabiat tapi ni dapat melatih untuk berkomunikasi di hadapan orang lain. Nanti
takde la tersasul nak sebut..hehehe
3. Tulis Vocab
Ambil kertas dan tulis tajuk yang
korang pilih sendiri. Contoh : "things i like about my boyfriend".
Tulis seberapa banyak vocab yang berkaitan dengan tajuk yang korang pilih tu.
Contoh : My boyfriend ---------> 1. handsome 2. sensitive.............
4. Baca Surat Khabar Bahasa
Rajin-rajin la baca surat khabar
dalam bahasa inggeris seperti the star atau majalah seperti reader's
digest..kalau ada ayat yang tak faham, boleh rujuk kamus.
5. Selalu Guna Kamus
Kalau korang malas nak bukak
kamus yang tebal tu, install je dekat handphone korang lagi senang. Jumpa je
perkataan yang tak faham terus boleh check makna dan hafal.
6. Buat Buku Khas Tulis Vocab
Setiap kali korang jumpa
perkataan yang tidak tahu maksudnya, rujuk kamus dan tuliskan dalam buku khas .
Tulis perkataan dengan maksud sekali dengan contoh ayat. Sebab kalau korang
tahu makna pun tak tahu contoh ayat susah jugak.
7. Belajar Grammar Budak Sekolah
Speaking tanpa guna grammar yang
betul boleh tunggang langgang ayat. Kalau korang takde basic grammar lagi aku
suggest cari buku grammar budak sekolah rendah sebab mudah faham. Kalau ada
orang tanya nape baca buku budak sekolah rendah cakap la “Oh…saya tengah baca
ni untuk ajar anak jiran saya….” sambil menunjukkan muka confident..kekeke
8. Selalu Tengok Movie
Kalau korang suka tengok movie omputeh,
ambik remote astro dan terus tukar sari kata dari bahasa melayu ke bahasa
inggeris. Sambil tengok movie tu korang pun boleh belajar cara nak sebut
perkataan dengan betul.
9. Tengok Oh My English!
Cerita ni pun memang tunjukkan
pelajar-pelajar kita kurang mahir menggunakan bahasa inggeris dalam kehidupan
seharian. Last-last diorang dapat pulak cikgu Mat Salleh.
10. Cuba Buat Entri Dalam Bahasa
Cuba la buat satu dua entri dalam
bahasa inggeris. Jangan fikir kalau buat entri English, mungkin takde orang nak
baca. Kalau entri korang tulis tu menarik, konpem ada orang akan baca jugak.
Buat ayat sendiri dalam bahasa inggeris, no copy paste ye. Kalau ada yang
silap, jangan malu, bukannya jumpa face to face pun..maybe ada orang lain yang
sudi betulkan yang salah.
Monday, 29 April 2013
PoEm 4 FrieNdsHiP
fRiEnDsHiP 4 Ever
This is my friends when i in form 5.
That time we do a phantomen and work as 1 team.
They are my BFF when i in form 6. They are my strangth
My frewn from form 1. from right una, nisha, eiyla, fiza, nana and tika.
At UUM they are my lovely frewn ika, fiza, k.pikah, amelia,syira, zura and aida.
Friendship is love,
Without friendship love means
Without friendship love is empty…
Without friendship love is
Friendship means sharing…
People learn to share from
Share everything they have in life,
Friendship is like stars,
Even though we always see them
Always mean to each other…
Sometimes they argue!
Friendship is like flower,
Soft but strong!
Friendship is like sun,
Bright and beautiful!
Friendship is everything in life,
Life without friendship is like
life without air…
Life without friendship is like
eats without food
Life without friendship is like
body without soul…
Friendship is wide!
Anybody can be our friend,
Our parents, our grandparents,
our sister, our brother and even our school principal!
Is everything!
by Qistina Zaini
Friday, 26 April 2013
The best Food
This is another collection of my favourite food. Yummy....
Tom Yam
Mee Hailam
Nasi Ayam
Bihun sup
Putu Mayam
Sometimes when i go back my village, i must find this food.
GooD LeaDer
- Remember: leadership skills and techniques can be learned. You don't have to be a natural leader. Very few people are.
- Care for your team. That means knowing what matters to each member: their health, their partner, their children, their relatives, their interests, their hopes, their fears.
- Stay close to your team. At some point, every day, walk around the office and say "Hi" to everyone who works for you. If you're not in the office that day, call and see how people are. This gives you a chance to enquire or encourage and gives them an opportunity to raise issues or make suggestions.
- Meet your team. Regularly - daily, weekly or monthly, depending on your place and type of work - have meetings of all the members of the team. Keep these meetings short, focused and action-orientated. Make sure every member of the team contributes in some way and acknowledge that.
- Train your team. Every team member should have at least two days training a year. Newer and more senior colleagues should have more. If they don't ask to go on training sessions, suggest some suitable courses.
- Grow your team. Through varied experience and regular training, you should be developing each team member to be more and more confident and more skilled.
- Inspire your team. Consider making available a motivational quote or story every week or month for lots of good quotes.
- Celebrate with your team. This might be a personal event, such as a member's birthday or anniversary, or a professional occasion, such as completing a project or winning or contract.
- Socialist with your team. Have lunch or an after-work drink with them, especially when a member has a birthday or there's another reason to celebrate.
- Set objectives for each team member. As far as possible, these objective such be SMART - Specific Measurable Achievable Resourced Timed.
- Review the performance of each team member. At least once a year - at least quarterly for the first year of a new team member - have a review session where you assess performance, give feed-back and agree future objectives and training.
- Thank constantly. The words "Thank you" take seconds to say, but mean so much.
- Praise constantly. The words "Well done" take seconds to say, but will be long remembered and appreciated.
- Communicate constantly. Don't assume that people know what you're doing, still less what you are planning or thinking. Tell them, using all the communication tools to hand: team briefings, electronic newsletters, organisational newspapers.
- Eliminate. Too often we do things because they've always been done. Life changes. Consider whether you could stop doing certain things altogether.
- Delegate. You don't have to do everything. Develop your team members by training them to do more and trusting them to take over some of the things you've been doing.
- Empower. A really effective leader sets clear objectives for his team members, but leaves detailed implementation of these objectives to the discretion and judgement of individual members of the team. As Second World War U.S. General George S. Patton put it: "Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results”.
- Facilitate. A confident leader does not try to micro-manage his team, but makes it clear that, if team members need advice or assistance, he is always there to facilitate and support.
- Be on time. Always start meetings on time and finish them on time. Natural breaks keep people fresh. Short meetings concentrate the mind.
- Be seen. Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. So visit each unit or department for which you are responsible on a regular basis. Don't do this unannounced - you are not out to undermine other leaders or catch out staff. So arrange with the unit leader or departmental head when you'll visit and ask him or her to walk round with you.
- Make time. Managers are often very busy and this can deter people from approaching you, so make time for people and be approachable. People will appreciate you taking five minutes out of your busy schedule, especially if you act on/listen to what they say.
- Really listen. Many of us - especially those who think they are important - don't really listen, but instead think about what they're going to say next. Give the person speaking to you your full attention and really take on board what they are saying.
- Accept honest criticism. Criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger - but it's a powerful tool of learning. Above all, assess criticism on merit, without regard to its originator.
- Think strategically. The doers cut a path through the jungle; the managers are behind them sharpening the machetes; the leaders find time to think, climb the nearest tree, and shout "Wrong jungle!" Find time to climb the trees.
- Have a mentor or buddy, someone doing similar work in the same or a similar organisation with whom you can regularly and frankly discuss your progress and your problems as a leader.
- Have a role model, someone who can inspire you to be a truly great leader. If you can't find one, study Jed Bartlet as the American President in any episode of the television series "The West Wing".
- Constantly revisit and review these tips. In his seminal work, "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People", Stephen Covey puts it this way: "Sharpen the saw".
- Plan your succession. You won't be there forever and you may not be in control of the timing and circumstances of your departure. So start now to mentor and train at least one colleague who could take over from you.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
At 28 march 2013 we celebrate our friend's birthday fiza.. We do the surprise to her. We give her bathes with the soap water. And we celebrate at court.
all the members
prank fiza with soap water n flour
singing the birthday song
fiza wear the birthday mask
after end the party
k.era n k.mod
with powder
hide behind the cars
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Causes of Divorce
Causes of
know that divorce is more common nowadays, but do you know the causes?
According to the statistics offered by INEGI in a survey practiced in 2005, 70%
of the couples who get married take the decision of getting divorce. There are
many reasons why they make this decision, but there are three main causes which
are lack of communication, financial issues, and abuse.
Lack of communication is one of the main causes of divorce. A marriage is on the rocks when the lines of communication fail. You cannot have an ineffective relationship if either one of you does not discuss about his/her feelings, cannot talk about his/her mutual or personal issues, and expects his/her partner to guess what the whole problem is about.
Another cause of divorce are financial issues. Money or aspects related to are of course a possible cause of disagreement between couples. Married couples could squabble over such issues as shared financial responsibility, unequal financial status, undisclosed financial state, over spending, and lack of financial support.
The last cause of divorce are the ways of abuse. This does not just include intentional and habitual physical abuse. It may also come in the form of sexual abuse and emotional abuse. One partner may actively seeks to degrade his/her partner through harsh language. Drug and alcohol make the person so violent. In addition, there may be no physical or verbal abuse, but the other partner would understandably have a difficult time managing finances and daily life with an addicted spouse.
Now we know that lack of communication, financial problems, and violence are the main causes why people get divorce. May be you should consider living in free union for a short time before you get married, by doing this, you can meet your partner well. It is not the best option, but if you are really in love, you can get married without any problem.
Lack of communication is one of the main causes of divorce. A marriage is on the rocks when the lines of communication fail. You cannot have an ineffective relationship if either one of you does not discuss about his/her feelings, cannot talk about his/her mutual or personal issues, and expects his/her partner to guess what the whole problem is about.
Another cause of divorce are financial issues. Money or aspects related to are of course a possible cause of disagreement between couples. Married couples could squabble over such issues as shared financial responsibility, unequal financial status, undisclosed financial state, over spending, and lack of financial support.
The last cause of divorce are the ways of abuse. This does not just include intentional and habitual physical abuse. It may also come in the form of sexual abuse and emotional abuse. One partner may actively seeks to degrade his/her partner through harsh language. Drug and alcohol make the person so violent. In addition, there may be no physical or verbal abuse, but the other partner would understandably have a difficult time managing finances and daily life with an addicted spouse.
Now we know that lack of communication, financial problems, and violence are the main causes why people get divorce. May be you should consider living in free union for a short time before you get married, by doing this, you can meet your partner well. It is not the best option, but if you are really in love, you can get married without any problem.
y must sport??
Have you ever thought why people do sports? Absolutely, many
people seem not to know the reasons. As a anecdote, there are many people who
do sports for nothing around us. Every day we can encounter with these people. They
regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance
of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look
smart. Unfortunately, these people can’t consider other benefits of sports. In
my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not
consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment,
and are great market for countries’ economies.
The first advantage of sports for people is that they help
people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can’t give up their
interest at their body. I believe that now many people love themselves no
matter how beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people’s first aim should be
healthy and fit with the benefits of sports. Due to this fact that Sports keep
our body healthy. As a possible example, imagine that there is a car which has
not worked for years. If you try to run the motor engine, it will not work
anymore since it has been rusted and its engine may be broken down. As a
result, people is similar to engines and motors. If we don’t do sports, we will
be forced to rust, in other words, decomposition of our body; afterwards, we
may have some problems with our body when we even need to small walk. In
addition, sports balance our body’s blood pressure and circulation. According
to many researchs which have been done by scientists, we can prove the
importance of sports for our health because 70% middle aged people who did not
do sports in their youth are now struggling with the problems such as high
tension, trouble with blood circulation, easily become tired due to the lack of
The second advantage of sports for people is that they are
required for our daily lives and competing at the international area because of
enjoyment of sports. For many years, sports have been done by people. For
example, have you ever thought why people want to play football or other games?
The answer may be easy since sports are entertaining. They are sometimes magics
as they catch our attention and give us pleasure as much as we need. Sometimes
overwhelming life conditions may be unfair and make us unhappy. However, if
there is a sport activity when we are unhappy, we will probably be motivated
and be refreshed again after the sport activity. This should be the most
important benefit of sports because many people do sports for this reason. In
addition, have you ever thought why millions of people watch World Cup match
without breathing? There might be some reasons behind the action of watching
football match. The most important one might be the excitement and enjoyment of
sport. Football match is exhilating because it gives us pleasure to watch. In
the pitch and near the pitch, there are more than 18 men, and they are the
representative of our sport culture. Within the excitement of sports, countries
are able to compete in the international area. Due to this fact people like
sports since they and their countries are able to compete and beat opponent
countries and this is the most important reason to take pleasure from sports.
The final and least advantage of sports is that they are the
huge market for countries economy. First of all, if we look at only football
industry. There are more than thousand professional team and at least these
team have 25 players. If this is calculated, there are approximately 25000
players without working staff, scouts, coaches and managers. This should be the
largest industry which employs many people in Turkey. In addition, countries
and clubs have to establish new facilities for sports game. Some of them are
the largest buildings in the entire country that represent countries, for
example Ataturk Olympic Stadium in Turkey. Supplying funds for this buildings
may be the publicity of countries since constructing well designed stadiums
help country prepare or organize big competitions such as World Cup, Olympics,
and Tennis Tournaments. Finally, sports allow advertisement companies to make
publicity of strong brands. For example, sponsorship is one of the best publicity
of one company. Everyone watches their favourite team or athlete, and audience
will probably see the sponsor of team or athlete. For example, in England,
Manchester United which is one of the most powerful clubs in international area
has a sponsor called Vodafone. I am from Turkey, and I even know its sponsor.
This will probably show the effectiveness of sponsorship in sports.
All in all, we can conclude that there are several
advantages and benefits of sports. First, sports are required by people to be
fit, smart, and good looking. Second, sports are entertaining due to many
facts. Third, sports are the huge market for countries’ economies. In my
opinion, despite sports’ advantages, many people can’t believe that sports are
useful and beneficial. I hope that in the future these people will tend to be
more optimistically to sports since they are the necessity of our lives.
Better cook at home...
“It Is Better To cook At Home Rather Than To Buy Food Form Outside”
Nowadays, people give more their attention on their career. They do not enough time to spend their life at home and do homework such as cooking. They are proper to buy the food from outside rather than cook at home. Even though most of the people think that buy the food from outside mush easier and save the time, but I strongly believe that it is better to cook at home rather than to buy food from outside because it is can save the money and more hygiene. However some people do not have time to cook at home because busy with other work.
I strongly believe that it is better to cook at home because it can save the money. If we choose to cook at home, it is very cheaper than you buy food from outside. I can cook more with budget of money. I spend to buy food from outside.
Secondly, the food is more hygiene. When I cook for own, I must do the best such as about clean and halal for Muslim. I clean the food clearly before cook. I feel very sure that food is safety to eat because I see what do I cook.
Some people do not have time because busy with other work. They are just buy the food from outside. However, I strongly disagree with all these view. We just need to wake up early and cook for lunch to. It is depends to yourself between cook at home or buy food from outside.
It is better to cook at home rather than to buy food from outside because it can save the money and more hygiene. Therefore, you no need to buy food from outside if you want to better healthy and life. You are responsible to manage your life to be better. Having presented my arguments. I once again totally agree on the statement that “it is better to cook at home rather than to buy from outside”.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
I am taking the bachelor of Entrepreneurship hons, so i want share about what is the entrepreneurship.
According to Wikipedia 'Entrepreneurship' is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovation or introducing new things, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new businesses (referred as Startup company); however, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. When entrepreneurship is describing activities within a firm or large organization it is referred to as intra-preneurship and may include corporate venturing, when large entities spin-off organizations.
I hope one day i will be an Entrepreneur. <3
Friday, 22 March 2013
DONE.. it's story about i can make posters.. the new is i make the BIG APPLE DONUTS.. actually this is the my first program that i run for first semester in 2013/2014. i only as a ex-officio but i willing to do the poster with myself.. at below is a sample that i make a poster....
poster big apple donuts
this poster i just imaging in beginning.. thank you to reen because she give her comment about this poster when i edit it. the another poster that i make when i join the Bakti Siswa Perdana in Kuala Klawang, Negeri Sembilan.
poster bakti siswa perdana
how can i do it?? actually i start learn when i in semester 2.. my senior teach me how to make it.. thank you so much 2 my seniors.. i hope i can be improve to make more beautiful n wonderful posters..
Saturday, 9 March 2013
BakSis PaHang 2013
lepas sahaja final exam sem 4, aq join program yg dinamakan bakti siswa perdana atau singkatannye -baksis-. program ni berlangsung pada waktu cuti semester.. orang lain da seronok2 duduk lepak tapi aq menyeronokkan diri untuk join program ni.. kat sini ad la sedikit gambar2 sepanjang program baksis ni dijalankan.. antara aktiviti yg menarik n yang paling aq suka ialah panjat gunung n maduk gua.
ni banner baksis
selepas perasmian
program motivasi di smk kuala krau
selepas balik dari smk kuala krau
sebelum senamerobik
tangkap gmbr dulu sebelum naik lori nk ke gunung senyum
dalam lori.. semangat. first time naik lori jpa ramai
ni la geng kami semasa mendaki merah, coklat, kuning dan ungu
baru memulakan perjalanan masuk ke gunung jebak puyuh
mendaki.. penat nihh..
una n ikin kt tasik biru
rehat sekejap kt tasik biru
sebelum naik ke gunung senyum
tangkap gambar dulu sebelum masuk gua yg gelap
selepas penat mendaki gunung
sebelum balik muka semua da penat...
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